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The Center on Main™ in Verrado®
4239 N Village Street
Buckeye, AZ 85396

Monday and Friday
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Heritage Swim Park
2571 N Heritage St
Buckeye, Az 85396

7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

The Center on Main™ in Verrado®
4239 N Village Street
Buckeye, AZ 85396

Monday and Friday
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Heritage Swim Park
2571 N Heritage St
Buckeye, Az 85396

7:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Kata is a term that is used in the martial arts to describe a pattern of movements that were handed down from teacher to student.  There are many different karate kata in exhistance just as there are many styles of karate.  Each style of karate may practice the same or variations of the kata used in Shotokan Karate.  In fact, different Shotokan organizations may even practice differrent variations of kata than others.  All kata have gone through an evolution over the years and there is probably no one that practices the original kata, even though they may claim to do so.  It is a mere fact that things change over time.  Most Shotokan practitioners recognize 27 katas as follows:





Introduced by

1  Taikyoku Shodan 太極初段 First Level Gichin Funakoshi
2 Heian Shodan 平安初段  First Peaceful Mind Yasutsune Itosu
3 Heian Nidan 平安二段 Second Peaceful Mind Yasutsune Itosu
4 Heian Sandan 平安三段 Third Peaceful Mind Yasutsune Itosu
5 Heian Yondan 平安四段 Fourth Peaceful Mind Yasutsune Itosu
6 Heian Godan 平安五段 Fifth Peaceful Mind Yasutsune Itosu
7  Tekki Shodan  鉄騎初段  First Iron Horse Yasutsune Itosu
8  Bassai Dai  披塞大  Storm a Fortress Peichin
9  Kanku Dai  観空大  To view the sky  Kung Hsiang Chun
10  Enpi  燕飛  Flight of the Swallow  Wang Ji
11  Hangetsu  半月  Half Moon   Bushi Matsumura
12  Jion   慈恩  Chinese temple Jion-ji.  Tomari te
13  Sochin   壯鎭  Preserve Peace   Yoshitika Funakoshi
14  Meikyo  明鏡  Mirror of the soul  Tomari-te
15  Ji’in  慈陰  Inverted Mercy   Tomari te
16  Gojushiho Dai  五十四歩大  54 Steps  Yasutsune Itosu
17  Jitte  十手  Ten Hands  Tomari te
18  Gankaku  岩鶴  Crane on a Rock  Bushi Matsumura
19   Tekki Nidan  鉄騎二段  Second Iron Horse Yasutsune Itosu
20  Tekki Sandan  鉄騎三段  Third Iron Horse Yasutsune Itosu
21  Chinte  珍手  Incredible hands Yasutsune Itosu
22  Bassai Sho  披塞小  Penetrate a Fortress Yasutsune Itosu
23  Kanku Sho  観空小  To View the Sky Yasutsune Itosu
24  Nijushiho   二十四步  24 Steps   Seisho Aragaki
25  Unsu  雲手  Hands of a Cloud  Seisho Aragaki
26  Wankan   王冠  Crown of a King  Gigo Funakoshi
27  Gojushiho Sho  五十四歩小  54 Steps Yasutsune Itosu