Perfection of Character
Perfection of Movement
How Our Story Began
Like all stories, there is a begining seated way out there in the past. Our story began when we were teenagers when both Sensei CeCe and Sensei Woody began their practice of the martial arts. While Sensei Woody had explored many different martial arts, Sensei CeCe excelled in Shotokan Karate. So our story really begins with Sensei CeCe.

Introducing Sensei CeCe
Sensei CeCe was born and raised in Nairobi Kenya. She started learning Shotokan Karate after being attacked in the streets of Nairobi and successfuly fending for herself. Sensei CC was the first person in her home country in Kenya to receive the rank of black belt from the Japan Karate Association! Sensei CeCe has participated in tournamants all over the world. She had taught taught and practiced karate in Kenya and in Germany before moving to Arizona.

This is Sensei Woody
Sensei Woody had interest in the martial arts since he was a young boy. Influenced by the charater played by David Carradine in the TV series Kung Fu, he wanted to study the martial arts. While still in high school he earned his black belt in American Karate and nunchuku. Still unsatisfied with his training he went on to study Togakure Ryu Taijutsu in wich he grew a deeper appreciation for Japanese culture and tradition. He then started his study of the Japanese culture and language while a young man in college.

A Dream Realized
It was well into our marriage when both Sensei CC and Woody discovered that we each had a love for the martial arts. This is when the idea to start this community project came to mind. In 2012 we acquired the name Simba Dojo in respect of two different cultures that invluenced our karate. Soon after we were doing classes with the Goodyear Recreation Department. Now many years later we offer classes soley in Buckeye, Arizona within the Verrado Community.

Senpai Patti
Patti was among our first students when we were teaching with the Goodyear Recreation Department. She came in as an advanced student as she had prior training in Shotokan karate. Patti not only has been one of our oldest continuing students and friend, she bears the honor of being our Senpai.

Senior Student - Oliver
Oliver is our oldest and most dedicated student. He has been practicing the martial arts since he was 3 years old. He did not start with Shotokan Karate, but studied Tang Soo Do in Buckeye. When his school closed, he joined us! You will see his picture throughout our website as we are very proud of him!

TaiChi Johnny
Johnny is a Taichi instructor here in Verrado who joined our club for he has a long history for the love of martial arts. Johnny has also been invaluable acting as an adjunct instructor when one of our regular instructors are not available.

We Are Still Here!
We have battled many elements including the pandemic, heart attacks, lack of funding, and other life strains. Our little club remains and we continue to pass on our love for the martial arts!